Please complete the following form to submit your proxy record to the database

Proxy record data entry

please also mention the present year if you are using the BP age reference
Latitude in degrees decimal (e.g. 18.65,-61.52)
Longitude in degrees decimal (e.g. 18.65,-61.52)
elevation above sea level in meters (use - for below sea level)
You can choose more than one
e.g. flood deposit, diatom,coral luminescence, stable isotope
e.g. ring width, pollen count, d18O
the parameter that proxy reflects e.g. flood, drought, salinity
Only applicable in case of climate reconstructions; e.g. rainfall, streamflow, precipitation, temperature
e.g. mm, %, PDB, Vienna-PDB
please mention any special standards used (e.g. depth measured from top or bottom)
Only applicable in case of climate reconstructions: e.g. linear regression, PCA
Only applicable in case of climate reconstructions: e.g. wet/dry years
Please enter the original publication(s) in full; please use the following format: Name, Initial, Name, Initial, year, title, journal, volume, pages.
DOI/URL for raw data e.g. at NOAA, PANGAEA etc

Proxy details

please enter the age in years not kiloyears
please enter the error of the dated sample (2 sigma), in years
please enter the depth in millimetres (mm) of the sample or identified event
please enter the age in years not kiloyears
please enter the error of the dated sample (2 sigma), in years
please enter the depth in millimetres (mm) of the sample or identified event
please enter the age in years not kiloyears
please enter the error of the dated sample (2 sigma), in years
please enter the depth in millimetres (mm) of the sample or identified event
please enter the age in years not kiloyears
please enter the error of the dated sample (2 sigma), in years
please enter the depth in millimetres (mm) of the sample or identified event
please enter the age in years not kiloyears
please enter the error of the dated sample (2 sigma), in years
please enter the depth in millimetres (mm) of the sample or identified event
reCAPTCHA is required.